--New Skill Developed by Con Men Leads to Treasures in Truck and Trash
If at first you don't succeed, try something else. Go for it. Big. Moderation is said to be for Monks.
Want to become one of the more skilled of con men? Make a fortune? Here's your chance to start at the bottom (pun intended), and learn this new trade from the ground up. This shortest of short-cuts to learning the basics of becoming a con man--through dumpster diving--has many advantages. Everything you need for identity theft--to construct a new identity, that is--is usually right there, all in one place, in a large apartment or condo dumpster. Often it's just plain garbage that is a pot of gold for con men.
What would you be looking for?
Addresses, account numbers, birth dates, email addresses, names, passwords, PINS, phone numbers, signatures, social security numbers. Yes, the search is extensive. There's no such thing as a "short" beer.
And, these would be the specific items you'd want to find:
> ATM receipts
> Address labels from magazines and
junk mail.
(You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine.)
> Bank statements
> Birth certificate copies
> Canceled and voided checks
> Credit and charge card bills, carbons
> Summaries, receipts, bills
> Credit reports and histories
> Employee pay stubs
> Employer records
> Expired credit and identification cards
of all types
(If there is only one way to spell a name, you will spell it wrong anyway. So, you may as well verify everything.)
> Expired visas and passports
> Insurance policies and forms
> Any paper with a social security number
> Credit card applications, pre-approved
> Resumes
> Report cards
> Leases, contracts, letters, any document
with signatures
(Follow Denniston's Law:: Virtue is its own punishment.)
> Transcripts
> Travel itineraries
> Used airline tickets
> Utility bills
Life is hard; then you're not here.
As you can clearly see, then, this avenue can propel you into a lucrative, memorable new career while you still do enjoy time on Mother Earth. Here are some further tips on how to work more efficiently, and how to enjoy yourself while at work in your new occupation.
> In many jurisdictions trash is not considered private property. So, you wouldn't even be breaking any laws by diving and laying claim to all your new treasures. It should be obvious that money takes the sting out of being poor. Check out local laws in your area, though, to be sure. Check with the people at city hall. But, remember, a skunk is better company than someone who prides herself on being "frank."
> Dive around apartment complexes and condos the night before trash pickups. Your "finds" will be the most rewarding at this time. These are Lottery Winner nights for the Dumpster Diver. (The reason you should treat every day as your last is one day you will be right.)
> During your searches do not throw out garbage as you go, strew bits and pieces everywhere, around the dumpster. Be neat, orderly. You do not want to attract attention to yourself. And, you do not want to give dumpster diving a bad name.
> The 7th of the month is a good day for diving in planned communities in some areas, because those tenants who have not paid their rent for the month previous will face eviction on the 8th. Many will feel pushed,, and toss things out just prior to splitting. You would be like the vulture, picking at a carcas, remember, they like fresh meat too.
> Wear sturdy fabric such as denim and good gloves.. You must develop a case of deep-fried amnesia about dirt and "filth."
> Assumption is the mother of all foul ups. If people are around, wait a while before diving. While usually legal, your occupation is not considered socially acceptable in many quarters,, and may lead to needless confrontation. Never insult an alligator until after you've crossed the river.
> It's said that no man is lonely while eating spaghetti. To fully enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Bring along plenty of plastic bags to house your found goodies, and a stepping stool or sturdy box to stand on to peer down from and relish your treasures. You will often be amazed at what is thrown away. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
> Sunday night is grocery night, if you wish a snack while diving--or to acquire groceries to take home. You must set aside this night for diving behind restaurants, bakeries, and grocery stores. This is the time that dumpsters get filled with the weekend trash. Much of the expired stuff gets dumped on this day of the week.
Why does so much good stuff get dumped?
Remember Freeman's Law: Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.
> To keep from being bothered or harassed, wear a white butcher's smock, which makes you look like an employee.
This will minimize any scrutiny that would normally be aimed your way. Never underestsimate the impotence of naive people in groups.
> Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at. If, for some reason you don't want to climb into the dumpster, use a cheap set of long-handled fireplace log tongs. Follow the first Rule of Mechanics: If it works, don't fix it.
> It's always darkest before you open your eyes. A miner's cap with a light embedded in it can be useful. (But, be careful to not wear a miner's cap with your butcher's smock; this may convey an image of you as a mindless crackpot.) If not, a flashlight for nighttime diving is essential.
> Before entering a dumpster, always tap loudly on the sides with your fireplace log tongs or a long stick. Purpose of this is to arouse any weasels, possums, or rats-- roust them to the top of the debris so you can shoo them off before jumping in yourself.
Remember, you are not drunk if you pass out on the floor without hanging on. You may have to rationalize your plight somewhat along this line if you are to stomach entering the con man profession through this avenue.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Con Men Specialty: How to Become a Dumpster Diver--Make a Fortune
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
5:32 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Con Man Greed--Deflect the Con Man Attack; Here's the First Means
--How to Deter the Con Man, Keep Him out of your Pocket
Respect for Farber's First Law comes right up front: Give him an inch and he will screw you.
Anything free is worth what you pay for it. This, too, is an axiom which should describe your cautious approach, in defense of your identity from theft.
How to deter? Here are 7 simple guard rails to erect which will enable you to successfully deter the con man:
1) Shred all financial documents and paperwork with personal information before discarding. If you don't own a shredder, hone your skills with a scissors. The identity you save might be your own.
2) There was a time when you were urged to carry your social security card with you--for the convenience of instant use, "anywhere and everywhere." No more. Now, identity theft is such a widespread and serious crime that you are advised to do just the opposite: Do not--repeat, not--carry your SS card with you. and, it is strongly suggested that you give out your number only when absolutely necessary or ask to use another identifier.
Some will say, those who refuse to understand the need for this extreme caution in this current atmosphere of high risk, are missing a few buttons on their remote control.
3) Do not write your social security number on a check. Be very wary of those who ask you to do this. People who say, I don't play games, are playing games.
4) Do not give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the internet, unless you know with whom you are dealing. Follow the Law of Local Anesthesia: Never say, "Oops," in the operating room..
5) Never click on links in unsolicited emails.
Use firewalls, anti-spyware, and anti-virus software to protect your home computer. Visit OnGuardOnline.gov for more information. Malicious spyware is everywhere these days, deftly employed by the con man. You don't want to have to look in the mirror and ask: How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?
6) Do not use an obvious password like your birth date, your mother's maiden name, or the last 4 digits of your SS number. A clean tie attracts the soup of the day.
7) Keep all of your personal information in a secure place at home. This is especially important if you employ outside help, are having work done in your house, have roommates, or frequently entertain freeloading guests.
How can you tell when you run out of invisible ink? O.K. It's difficult But, pushing an elevator button twice is not going to make the receptacle come any sooner either.
Only answer is to be beware, cautious, defensive, and guard your identity as you would your virginity from a mad rapist.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
3:03 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Scam Artist-Type Law Suits Clog Court System
--Seemingly Endless parade of frivolous Suits Continue Unabated
Never go to bed angry; stay awake and plot your revenge.
This is a mindset many trial lawyers continuously promote among clients in their quest to engender more law suits. Scam artist stuff? Frivolous law suits? you ask. The court system is currently drowning in such activity.
Take a gander at some of these examples and decide for yourself the merits:
> New York orthopedic surgeon sues athletic footwear giant, Nike, for $10,000,000. Claim is shoelace on right sneaker hooked on back tab of left sneaker, causing the doctor to fall resulting in a wrist injury that threatens her career as a surgeon. Like the Nike spokesman routinely noted, "Sometimes people don't tie their shoes properly." Much like being a politician: To succeed, it's often necessary to rise above your principles. Scam artists' tactics?
> Class action law suit is filed against the manufacturer of breakfast cereal, Cheerios, over a food additive, with no evidence that it has ever caused any injury to any consumer. The consumers--plaintiffs in the law suit--receive a free box of cereal. The lawyers are paid $2,000,000. When asked by an aggressive class-action lawyer to jump as the old saw goes, many businesses will merely say, "How high?"
> Atlanta Journal-Constitution music writer is notified of legal action against him for having the temerity to use his own name, which is the same name as former Rolling Stones bassist, Bill Wyman. An attorney sends the journalist a letter stating, "I must ask that you immediately cease and desist from authorizing use of our client's name." Irony is that the real name of the Rolling Stones bassist is not even Bill Wyman--this is but a stage name--but William Perks (a far cry). Sued for using your own name? If a rabbit's foot is so lucky, what does that say about the luck of the rabbit?
> New York woman is awarded $14,100,000 after she is hit by a subway train. When it becomes known that she had been trying to commit suicide and had been patiently lying on the tracks, waiting for the train, the award was cut 30%. She had to settle for a paltry $9,900,000 for her injuries. Perhaps she was practicing Clarke's Second Law: The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
> A California attorney sues GTE Directories for $100,000 after the publisher mistakenly lists her name and phone number under the heading, "Reptiles." It is claimed she is subject to many jokes and hissing sounds when she walks by groups of associates.
> A California nudist, whose feet were burned while he was walking on a pit of red hot coals, files a lawsuit against the event organizers for assuring him that the fire walk would not burn his feet, would be entirely safe. It's said gullibility stretches far--like a rubber band. But, how far is far?
> In still another suit against deep-pockets fast food giant, McDonald's, a couple sues over damaged teeth suffered by the husband--from a bagel. Wife's "lost care, comfort, consortium, and society of her husband" is also cited as cause for deep, mental suffering. (Could this have been a 30-day old bagel?)
Often the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do.
So, what better moral to a story than to say, simply, stay out of the line of fire. Don't get caught in the insanity of a fabricated lawsuit spun out of whole cloth which houses nothing more than a warped idea, a scam artist lawyer, and a greedy plaintiff.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
2:30 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Medical Labs on Wheels--Often Scam Artists' Enterprises
--Here are the Nuts and Bolts of how the "Rolling Medical Labs" Operate, Often for the Benefit of Scam Artists
Step right up. It's free, free, free--do you hear? Free.
This is the kind of carnival barker pitch you will often get as the "Rolling Medical Lab" sets up for business in the parking lot of your mall, health club, church, or retirement home.
While the sponsoring institution is cited as the one upon whose premises the lab tests out of these trailers are taking place, often, said institution is only half aware of what's going on. They were assured that the lab's income would be derived from the various health products that would be sold to the testees, plus referral commissions procured for steering them through the proper medical channels.
Half the story. Many of these providers are nothing more than the next Ronald McDonald of the Fast Fraud Set.
The untold half is billing the insurer for services never rendered by changing bills, or by submitting fake ones.
How do the scam artists do it?
All victims are treated as if they are getting old, when everything dries up or leaks. The older you get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. The scam artists know this and make it easy for you.
Medical tests hastily performed, rapid removal of wheel levelers, pullout of the trailer from the parking lot. Poof! Gone! On to the next town to round up a new bunch of suckers.
Are all of these traveling Med shows con jobs put on by scam artists?
No. Some are legit.
How can you tell?
It's tough. All you can do is grill people from the sponsoring institution and gage for yourself how deep their knowledge of practices and background runs. Chances are, not deep. But, you might get lucky. As the old saw goes: Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.
Plus, take these protective steps:
1) Never sign blank insurance forms.
2) Never give blanket authorization to a medical provider to bill for services rendered.
3) Be very clear--right up front--on any charges and what you will be expected to pay out-of-pocket.
The scam artist ideology prevails: Neither borrower nor lender be; theft increases your assets while avoiding all taxes.
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. Scam artists know every one of them..
When it comes to rolling medical labs, don't let yourself get short-changed.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
3:56 AM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Understanding the Con Man Mind--Your Key to Financial Survival
--Be they a Carnival Shell Game Operator, a Captain of Industry, or a Prominent Politician, knowing the Rules of their Game is essential to Protecting your Money and all Financial Assets from the Con Man
With the ringing sincerity of a used car salesman's hand shake, you are often asked to accept with blind faith many supposed"facts of life"
No hint, suggestion, or innuendo is ever offered that a strict Rules Regimen was foisted on you--to maneuver you into a vulnerable state.
What Rules must the con man follow in order to fleece, pillage, and plunder--to rob, steal, embezzle, and defraud? There are Rules of the Game. The con man must learn these Rules well, if he hopes to insulate himself from the consequences of pick-pocketing your wallet.
Now, visualize yourself as the con man. Up, up, and away then. Here we go, with these sacrosanct Rules which you must follow in order to be successful:
> You must always instill a firm "Us against Them" feeling in your followers. They must be constantly led to believe that only your philosophy is the correct one in fighting this conspiracy-- out to "get" you. You must inculcate the urgency of winning this battle so strongly among your followers that it would sound like losing it would be akin to being sentenced to cutting an acre of grass--with their teeth.
> The end always justifies the means because you are playing a zero sum game. Either you have it, or don't--or "they" have it, or don't. Setting up a very tangible, clear cut goal, but one cloaked in mystery, is a stealth strategy that pays off. Yes, it's the bringing together of these seemingly conflicting elements that does it.
> Rules only apply to your enemies. Not to you, the con man. Always demand that your opponents religiously follow the Rules.
Pin-point these Rules. Spell them out. The old axiom--give me ambiguity or give me something else--has no place here.
> Ruthlessness is essential. You must do whatever it takes to create and maintain power and control. As a cunning, skillful con man, exercise your white-knuckle grip.
> A respectable public face is essential. If you have overcome a dread disease, talk about it. (If not, make one up.) If you served in the Armed Forces, burnish your image by making yourself a war hero. Proclaim yourself a born-again sinner. Everybody loves a hero. These are just a few examples of options you have.
> Manipulation, blackmail, bribery, lies, and half-truths are all O.K.. if they will further your ends. Remember, a kick in the butt is only a few inches from a pat on the back.
> Without exception, always claim the high moral ground. Let it be known that God is on your side, and the Devil reincarnate is in the driver's seat of your enemies' attacks on you. It's lonely at the top, but you do eat better.
> Create a "Code," within which you can give orders without it being known that you are giving orders. Guard yourself from any incriminating connection. (You can't really be expected to answer an anonymous letter, can you?)
> Use disinformation readily. It is a great tool for conning and manipulating.
Do it, constantly. You can't give your followers a coffee break; it would take too long to retrain them.
> Keep as few records as possible. Share your records--only--on a strict need-to- know basis. And, with only the dumbest, most inept people in your following. (Like giving a drunk another drink to sober him up.)
> Never pay directly for any criminal services you might require--forgers, bribers, etc. Always use an indirect method, so nobody can connect you, if discovered.
> If anything goes wrong, deny the allegation and damn the alligator. Start a verbal fire storm. Remember it doesn't matter what the temperature is, it's always room temperature.
The world of the con man is, purposely, so filled with confusion and distortion that everything is either a half-truth or a half-lie, depending upon which version you are talking about.
Thus, in the final analysis, it's the one who slices the bread that controls its distribution on the bread line. You--as the potential victim, then--must be able to recognize all the slight-of-hand trickery of the one operating the slicer.
To guard yourself from rationing.
And, perhaps, even starvation.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
4:48 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Scam Artists' Internet and Telemarketing Fraud on Sharp Upswing--How to Avoid getting Suckered
--With Identity Theft Threatening to Fly out of Control, the Danger Signals are Everywhere, as Scam Artists Explode with New Con Games
Money back? Ha! Fat chance!
If you allow yourself to get suckered by an internet or phone scam artist, he will be the one--not you--who will be laughing all the way to the bank--with your money. Eequivalent to the learned insight of an alcoholic stumbling down a blind alley, you will have given away your identity.
Here are some hard, fast, and true rules to follow--to keep you from the clutches of scam artists--before risking dealing with anyone over the internet or phone that you do not know:
> Always request, and wait for, written material about any offer or charity pitch thrown your way. Seek financial advice from someone you trust where necessary.
As Yogi Berra, in his infinite wisdom, said: If you don't know where you're going, you will wind up somewhere else.
> He who hesitates is last. Always investigate, immediately, unfamiliar companies with your local Better Business Bureau, National Fraud Information Center, Consumer Affairs Division of your State Attorney General's Office, or other watchdog groups. An unchallenged lie quickly becomes the truth. And, scam artists are good at sneaking these past you.
> Always get the salesperson's (often the scam artist's) name, street address, and mailing address before transacting any business whatsoever with him. Also--important; something most people do not think of--get his business license number. Verify accuracy before proceeding further. A good scam artist schemes before he scams. It's best to throw him out at first base, rather than holding your throw after he's hit a triple, seeing if he'll try for an inside-the-park home run.
> Before any charitable contribution find out what percentage is held back for "operational costs." Some scam artists retain 90%--yes, only 10% actually going through for benefit of the charity's recipients. Before generously jumping in, ask yourself, where does charity begin?
> Same for investments. Get a clear figure for sales commissions before investing. Some investments have a big front end load, a big back end load, and a big pre-payment penalty. A complete airing of the dirty linen is highly desirable.
> If you are asked to pay in advance for services, run for the nearest fire exit. Pay for services only after--that's after--they are delivered. This is a rule which should have been etched in stone since the dinosaurs were on earth.
> If the scam artist offers to send a messenger to pick up your payment, a quick thank you but no thank you, is in order. Intent of this is two-fold: 1) To leave no trace of who he is, or where he can be reached. And, 2) To avoid getting ensnared in the postal inspectors' net (postal, wire fraud, etc.) Snap judgments have a way of coming unfastened. Agreement to permit messenger pick-up of your money would be one of these.
> Never pay a handling, shipping, a judging fee, or any other charge, for a "free prize." If the caller (scam artist) tells you this payment is to cover taxes, this is a violation of federal law. Better he sit in a Federal slammer than you for aiding and abetting a felony.
> Never give out any personal information at all, not even your age. Remember, when they say "paper trail," they don't mean the residue left over from stealing a roll of unwinding toilet paper.
If you find yourself uncontrollably singing "Up a Lazy River" while being outfitted with one of those jackets with no outlets for the hands, you'll know it's because you failed to protect your identity from theft.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
5:49 AM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Con Men at their Best: The Jury Selection Scam
--Phone Calls, Threats of Fines, Imprisonment are featured as part of the Jury Selection Scam by Con Men
The voice coming at you over your phone--that completely unexpected phone call--is terse, officious.
"My name is Justin Lawless, calling from Superior Court, county of (blah, blah), state of (blah, blah)." You are succinctly informed. No ands, ifs, or doubts.
"You have been selected for jury duty, and it is requested that you report to office number (yada, yada) on June 30, 2008, at 8 AM."
Next comes the big identity theft thrust--the demand that you reveal your social security number, bank account and credit card numbers, for purposes of , ah hem, identity "verification."
Why me? you are thinking to yourself. You quickly spiel out your objections: Your husband's back has gone out and you must now pull that oar, lift that bale around the house. Your son has an impacted wisdom tooth, and his constant misery begs constant attention. The transmission fell out of your car and you have no transportation.
Failing to convince Mr. (con man) Lawless, you dejectedly succumb and comply with his entreaty for detailed personal information. Better than paying the big fine he has threatened you with, right?
Often it's those who hesitate who are probably right.
But, you bit. If at first you don't succeed, redefine success, you might come to think. Ah, if only it could be so simple when dealing with con men.
You are now into the quicksand pull of identity theft--yours--to be tried on, fitted, and worn to whatever extreme con man, Justin Lawless (or whatever his name), wishes to take it. Maybe you should have reacted the same way as heeding the warning on a Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. Live and learn?
The judicial system does not contact people by phone asking for personal data, not even date of birth. If you have--foolishly--surrendered this information to the con man, contact your local FBI field office immediately (phone number can be found in the front of your local phone directory.) And, for further "boning up" on what this kind of con men scam is all about, try:
If you've been burned you cannot afford to think indecision is the key to flexibility. Too late. Restoring and rebuilding your identity after theft is like digging your way out of prison with a spoon. Thus, you must short-cut all the trauma--by quickly forcing sensible, logical thought upon yourself, and trundle off to seek help.
Jack Payne
See Book Reviews of Jack Payne's legal thriller book, Six Hours Past Thursday, at Amazon
Posted by
Jack Payne
3:26 AM